Ezy Mind

Your Compass to Mental Wellness

Why use this app?


Ezy Safety

We don't store your precious information anywhere. It's safely encrypted in your own device with you. With 256 AES encyption level, you know only you can see your journals.


Ezy Self Discovery

Ezy Mind simplifies the process of self-reflection and self-discovery, making it easy for you to explore your thoughts and emotions


Ezy Mood Tracking

The sense of community provided by Ezy Mind enhances your journey, making it a rewarding and uplifting experience that goes beyond traditional journaling apps.

Ezy Mind was created out of necessity. When I was in individual therepy, I tried to find a journaling app that was both secure and very easy to use. With no availability of such apps that didn't share any of my sensitive thoughts (yes really, check the permissions of all your note taking apps), I created the first iteration of Ezy Mind within 2 hours. After hearing out about the app, my therapist suggested I should launch the app with voice to journal function for greater accessibility. 

Megh Shah....Founder ~ Ezy Mind

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